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For tens of thousands of years, ornamentation and the complexity of form were expressions of the most advanced civilizations.  However, with the introduction of modernist ideologies, much of design has been simplified.  The goal of our project was to replace the Cockspur Island bridge, which connects Cockspur Island to mainland Georgia in the United States. The island serves as a national monument, housing the U.S. Civil war monument Fort Pulaski.  Since it is a popular tourist destination, our project program included a ticketing booth, as well as an informational pavilion for the monument.    This project, Porosity,  took inspiration from the unusual porous qualities of the coastal soil in the immediate area of Cockspur Island.  The apertures in the soil (and the resulting strands that subsume them) are naturally formed by tidal erosion and are partially due to the soil’s diverse minerals composition.  Similarly, the proposed massing of this project is guided by an accumulative and depositive erosive process. 


Project Location: Cockspur Island, Georgia

​Project Type: Bridge and Cultural Center

​Project Year: 2012

​Status: Concept Design​

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